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Privacy Policy

Baker's Estate is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its website visitors. This privacy policy explains how we collect and process your data. We may revise our privacy policy from time to time, so we advise you to check back regularly kindly. By continuing to browse our website, or otherwise providing us with your personal information, you agree to understand and accept our privacy policy.

Information we collect

We collect information that you provide us by filling in the forms on our website, or by contacting us by phone or email, or by signing up for our special offers. The information that you share with us may comprise your name, phone number, and email address.
Our website may automatically collect technical information (including your IP address, time zone setting, operating system and platform, browser type and version, browser plug-in types and variants), along with information about your visit. Such as the website pages viewed by you and what you searched for, URL clickstream through and from our site, page response times, download errors, page interaction information and length of visits to our website pages.

Use of the information

The information that you share with us may be used to:

Process any obligations that may arise from contracts between you and us, and to provide you with the information or details that you need from us related to our
Inform you about projects, or goods or services that are the same as those availed by you earlier or enquired about us.
Provide you with information about opportunities or projects that we may feel will excite you, either directly or by permitted third-parties.

The information that we collect from you may be used to:

Enhance the user experience by ensuring that the content is displayed most effectively for you.
Keep our website secure.
To evaluate and comprehend the effectiveness of advertising and for relevant advertising.